Production Blog: Selection Process

 Good evening everyone!!! Nice to write again. How are y'all doing today? So now that I have talked about the process of learning how to use capcut, now I am gonna talk about the overall selection process. So as I had talk in my previous blogs choosing pictures and videos out of thousands was very difficult. However, I did it! It took me almost a week hahahahaha. Definitely me being a perfectionist and indecisive person at its finest. So I choose 5 pictures and 5 videos of me or related to something in my life. The pictures and videos relate to me from newborn to now as a 17 year old. I think they show the maturing and growing up of a young woman. I am excited for you guys to see the ending results. Now, choosing the way I wanted to order these pictures and videos with the song(s) was a little messy. I wanted the song(s) to match with the pictures and videos on certain parts. I had to figure out how many seconds I wanted the pictures to be shown before putting the videos. My commercial also shouldn't be super long so I had to work on just making it less than 2 minutes, which was a struggle for sure. Thankfully, I got to figure that out with a couple of test practices with the videos and pictures I was actually using. This has definitely been an experience. I have never done something like this in my life but its super fun as I am learning a lot!. 

P.S. I attached some pictures I am using, won't show all cause its a surprise for the final result! ;)

Thanks for reading, 

- Mariajose :) 


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