Research & Planning Blog

    Good evening everyone! How are you all? So for my commercial project I am doing a commercial of myself that includes pictures, videos, songs, etc. It's something very new to me as I have never done this type of stuff. First thing I started planning what do I want this commercial to show. Just me now or baby me to me now? I figured why not do baby me to me now. It would show me growing up and maturing in my 17 years of life. I have been looking through old albums and my parents google photos to find pictures of me. Since I was born in Honduras, when we moved to the United States we didn't really bring much photo albums. Instead, we left them at our house in Honduras and to our family but recently we got them shipped to us. 

    I had to look through soo many pictures, it was insane, thousands and hundreds of pictures. So I have plenty to choose from but not all are the best quality. My mother is a mom that loves taking pictures of everything. It doesn't matter how small or big the occasion is. I on the other hand am not a fan of taking pictures but because I love her I take them. But Hey! it payed off because now I have soo many. HAHAHAHA! 

    I'm still planning if I should use more upbeat fun songs or more emotional growing up songs. I just took my senior pictures on Friday so I am hoping I can get them soon so I can add those as well. My process is still in its beginning research phase but hopefully soon I can decide. I have most of my pictures but videos I don't know yet. Should I do family, individual, fun or emotional videos? I'm soo indecisive!!! However, I promise that by my next blog everything will be figured out. Bye! 

P.S I attached some of the photos I am gonna use of my commercial. 

Thanks for reading!

- Mariajose :)


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