Filming time scheduling is not for the weak.

  Good evening everyone! I'm back! How are you all? I miss y'all. It has felt like it has been a long time. Soooooo... today I am going to be talking about filming my music video. The day I choose to film was on a Tuesday at 5:00pm. My group and I are all busy. It was decided that Tuesday was the best day. We all know high school seniors work or have sports, so that was the only day in the entire month our schedules aligned. I was the one of the main friend character so I was instructing what to film, what angle, time. I film in many places around our location. That evening we were on a tight schedule. We got out of our extracurriculars and immediately met at our filming location. We didn't even have anything to eat. I was tired since it a heavy late night sleep week and my group mates as well. However, by doing filming at our location there was only us a couple people around here and there. Meaning I had more privacy and space to film. For example when we were filming in the buildings hallway, there was maybe one person that was walking by but it didn't delay our filming at all. Filming was a success even though we were on a time restraint. We were very organized with our time and filming. It was all worth it! 

Thanks for reading! 

- Mariajose :) 


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