From a newbie to now

 Good morning everyone! I know super shocking I am writing in the morning. I had some extra time before class. How are you guys? Missed Me?! Hahahahaha So as some of you this is my second project that has to do with filming and editing. I have definitely improved a lot on all aspects. I remember watching video tutorials online about how to film properly, find the best lightning and editing. For this short film that I did with my group we all were more prepare in knowledge for it. We knew how to transition between scenes, record more effortlessly. Make it seem real. You know what I mean? Like film the scenes showing that raw emotion needed for the film especially it being a murder mystery. I can definitely said my group and I have improved from our newbie days...hahahaha. I am super excited for you guys to see our short film. Last project it was almost half a day of filming due to having to do many retakes. This time it was less than 3 hours. Our schedules were also tight that day since it was a weekday. Anyway I won’t spill any more. You will have to wait a little more till my next blog. That’s coming soon!!! Have a great day guys!!

Thanks for reading!, 

- Mariajose :)


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