Good morning everyone! How are ya'll? Long time no see. So today I am gonna write a peer review type of blog. Peer review means that someone else saw my work and reviewed it, and it giving me some constructive criticism. This whole process had a lot of ups and down. For us to feel that our project is 100% the best we can do, I wanted to get some opinions from my peers. This is what a couple of my peers said overall about this project. 1. I could work a little more on my acting - I don't think I am the best actress in the whole. If y'all don't know already but I laugh in any situation. Serious, sad, angry, anything. So we had to reshoot some scenes a couple times. They said that you could kinda tell I was about to laugh or I gave an awkward vibe but overall still good. 2. Background music did its job - When editing this video parts of the film had a mystery/horror movie music sound. The sound was put to complement the scenes. The feedback I got back was that the music...