
 Good morning everyone! How are ya'll? Long time no see. So today I am gonna write a peer review type of blog. Peer review means that someone else saw my work and reviewed it, and it giving me some constructive criticism. This whole process had a lot of ups and down. For us to feel that our project is 100% the best we can do, I wanted to get some opinions from my peers. This is what a couple of my peers said overall about this project. 

1. I could work a little more on my acting

- I don't think I am the best actress in the whole. If y'all don't know already but I laugh in any situation. Serious, sad, angry, anything. So we had to reshoot some scenes a couple times. They said that you could kinda tell I was about to laugh or I gave an awkward vibe but overall still good. 

2. Background music did its job

- When editing this video parts of the film had a mystery/horror movie music sound. The sound was put to complement the scenes. The feedback I got back was that the music helped the mood, understand what genre film it was. What they expected to see to the sound our scenes in the film were that. 

3. Video quality 

- My peers were impressed with the level of work. We are a small movie crew, thus we don't have any fancy gear to use when shooting. Using an iPhone was our best alternative, and because to its quality, we were able to have a satisfying viewing experience. In comparison to other parts of the movie, my peers commented that the clarity of the quality made the movie more enjoyable. 

A lot has been learned from these peer reviews. Definetely learn how to make things better in the future. Well that is all. 

Thanks for reading!, 
- Mariajose :)     


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